Sunday, May 15, 2011


Preston was so excited to find a frog on the back porch. He was determined to catch him and take him to school.  He named him TONY the frog and was so proud. He put him in Hermie the Hermit crabs cage that died a few weeks ago. Took him to school that next day.  When he got home he decided that Tony might die if he didn't let him go. We had been telling him that if he didn't feed him that this would happen. So I told him that he should say a prayer that Tony would find his family and that he would be okay. 
 So he said a little prayer and then sat there for a minute deciding if he really wanted to let his new friend go... This was very hard for him. Honestly it was making me feel so sad even though I knew he was doing the right thing.
This sweet photo is a heart breaker. We had one sad boy who was going through the bushes trying to find Tony. He really wanted to keep him after his friend hopped away...

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