Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Baby is 4...

I can't believe that my baby is four.  It is so "different" to not have any kids in diapers, no waking up at night (well for the most part) and my baby growing up so fast!  I have mentioned a few times how this new phase is a tough one for me.  Especially when I see photos of my "newborns".  

We always celebrate our kids "even" birthdays with a party.  We celebrated at the Rec Center at the in-door swimming pool.  It was so much FUN and can I say EASY!!!  I love this photo. Morgan and Syd were so excited to see my friend Alissa walk in and look at their love marks:)

Sofie and Taylor loving the water spouts!

Sofie and her new friend Kyra.  So cute together!

Love their goggles...

Sofie helped me decorate her cake with lot's of sprinkles. She was so cute and so excited.  It was hard for her to wait all day for her party that didn't start until 6:30.

This is a photo for my friend Rosie... Alicia and I had so much fun taking silly pictures.  She definately gets the prize.  Hers was much funnier because she is a true blood Oakie girl but I hope it makes her SMILE and SQUINT...  Good old OAKIE fun:)  

Speaking of my friend Rosie... Sofie was so HAPPY when she saw what "grandma Rose" got for her!  Thank you ROSIE!!!

Sofie girl mommy and daddy love you so much.  You truly are our little blessing.  You are so funny, expressive, talkative, creative, and you truly know it ALL.  You are one good little mommy and take such good care of your babies.  I love to be the grandma as it is giving me some good practice.  Today while at the store a lady asked me if I was buying Sofies outfit for my grandaughter.  I had to fight the tears...  I am getting OLD!

Just look at that FACE!  Oh it makes me so baby hungry...  will that feeling ever go away... Completely???

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I want to Thank my friends and family for all the Love and support that I feel.  I woke up this morning to 5 beautiful kids who were very excited to find a valentines surprise on the kitchen table.  They were so happy to go to school and they were talking over their valentine breakfast about who their crushes were. Our little Bryn is a crack up.  She is quite boy crazy and she tries to act as though she is not.  It is funny to watch her talk about these boys.  It will only be a few years from now when these kids will be married and moving out of the house.  I need to enjoy the moments.  I went to church on Sunday and it sure helped me feel better.  The focus was on our Spiriual gifts and that we need to search them out and use them.  I felt humble and teachable.  I am so thankful to know that we all have down days. Hard days. and that soon we feel up again.  I am so thankful for a Loving, gentle husband who is so patient with me.  When I am weak he is strong. I love this man so much.  I am giving him a valentines gift every hour today as a reminder that I need him every hour.  I truly do depend on him.  I also need my Savior. How thankful I am for His love and example.  I love celebrating LOVE!  There is nothing better.  
So go out and give your heart to someone today!!!

LOVE MORE... and MORE... and MORE...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Small rewards to motherhood...

Being a wife and a mother has seemed rather hard, very unrewarding and extremly exhausting. Yes- this post may be a little depressing.  I am warning you now:)  I don't know why but my heart feels so heavy the past few days.  I can't seem to figure it out.  Is it because I am preparing a talk on family?  Is the adversary working on me?  Is it because I cleaned the entire basement and then walked downstairs to find it pretty much trashed again?  Is it because for two days in a row I have been interrupted while on the telephone?  Does anything get noticed?  Does anyone like my cooking?  Why do I feel this way?  I can usually pull myself out of the poor me's and I really don't like this feeling.  I even went out with my 86 year old grandma yesterday for lunch and that was so fun, but then I slide right back into this funk.  I hope it is just maybe my harmones.  I am telling you what it better hurry and pass because I don't like it!!!  While I was getting ready to clean-up the mess downstairs I found a small little reward in a notebook... 

It is times like this that I wonder how anyone could love me.  I truly am a MONSTER!  It sure makes me thankful for my mom and for the many selfless hours that she continues to use for her children and grandchildren.  I know what makes me feel better. CHOCOLATE:) oh and I will put on my Hillary Weeks and plug in my scentsy and get cleaning this house with all the love that this little od heart can muster up today and hope for a date with my hubby tonight.  It is time I just get over it all.  I have one hour before kids get home so I best hurry.  In my mind I can see it now... shoes,backpacks, cracker crumbs, and the "mom can we do this... mom can so and so come...  mom what are we doing tonight"?  Ok Positive energy right? Right!
Happy FRIDAY!!!